Home / Te Awe Huānga (Membership) / Te Awe Huānga (Join / Register)

Te Awe Huānga

Join / Register

Our diverse membership base ranges from small to medium-sized businesses to large corporate companies, showcasing our commitment to fostering a broad spectrum of Māori business interests.

Fill in the registration form below and we'll get in touch as soon as possible.


Please deposit the membership total into our bank account

KIWIBANK 38-9020-0525649-00

With reference as "Company name" membership. (Important: Please ensure you reference your company or individual name)

Privacy and disclosure statement

I hereby apply to be a member of Te Awe, and agree to be bound by the rules for the time being contained in the Constitution. I also agree if admitted to pay the annual subscription. I acknowledge that:

  • (a) personal information concerning me provided to Te Awe whether contained in this application or otherwise obtained is provided and may be held, used and disclosed by Te Awe;

    • (i) to enable Te Awe to administer and maintain my membership of Te Awe and to enable Te Awe to provide me all of its membership services;

    • (ii) to enable Te Awe to provide me with advice and information concerning products and services that Te Awe believes may be of interest to me;

    • (iii) to enable Te Awe to communicate with me for any purpose.

  • (b) The personal information provided in this application is collected by and held by Te Awe whose address is P O Box 24107, Wellington.

  • (c) If I fail to provide any information requested in this application Te Awe may be unable to renew my membership and continue to provide services to me.

  • (d) I have the right under the Privacy Act 1993 to obtain access to and request correction of any personal information held by Te Awe concerning me. This form constitutes a Tax invoice when payment is received. GST Registration No. 78 887 133. Please retain for your records.

* Tick Āe below to agree.

Authorisation *

I do hereby give permission to Te Awe Wellington Maori Business Network, its agents, and others working under its authority, full and free use of video/photographs containing my image/likeness. I understand these images may be used for promotional, news, research and/or educational purposes. I hereby release, discharge, and hold harmless Te Awe Wellington Maori Business Network and its agents from any and all claims, demands, or causes of action that I may hereafter have by reason of anything contained in the photographs or video. I do further certify that I am either of legal age, or possess full legal capacity to execute the foregoing authorization and release.

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